Thursday, August 18, 2011

My Vegetable Garden in August

cilantro bloom


heirloom tomato

'January King' cabbage

'Merlin' and 'Golden' beets

baby basil

Jerusalem artichoke

'Turban' squash

Espalier apple

Hot chilli's

Asian stir-fry blooms

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Industrial Garden Tour

There is an industrial area near my house.  It some how makes the gardens seem that much more special when they're unexpected.  Here are a few photos of people making unappealing areas into beautiful spaces.

Vegetable plots and wild flowers in front of recycling centre. 

Lily pads and goldfish in a retaining bed fronting an industry building.

Dr. Seus tree looking a little worse for wear.  But adds interest to that bare wall. 

okay, maybe it's not a garden. But, it was the only green visible for a while.